12 feb 2014

Global Warning

Global Warning from Truly Design on Vimeo.

The message conveyed by this piece is clear enough: time is running out and the Earth, as well as ourselves, needs a rapid change of attitude.
The two pictures are taken from opposite viewpoints surrounding the piece, as two are the ways of looking at the problem: the dramatic one, standing in front of our planet being destroyed by our hands, and the active one, giving a strong message and advice for a better future.
What better place to represent these ideas than a former bear cage in an ex zoo?
All photos are © by Livio Ninni http://www.livioninni.com
Thanks to Border Land http://www.border-land.it and Sikkens http://www.sikkens.it

Music: hope or dope by Exteenager (http://dasandereselbst.org)

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